Our Audit tests and approaches are designed basically to assist our clients in adopting and maintaining articulate systems and sound financial
operations. Our audit visits are normally spread over the year depending on the need and the activities of our clients. This is done in other to safeguard
their interest and ensure that errors and fraud are detected and minimised throughout the year.
1 - To examine and report to the members on the financial statements presented by the directors of the company.
2 - Examination of all the company's accounting records and all other records and related information
3 - Assessment of the significant estimates and judgments made by the directors.
4 - To determine the adequacy of accounting system and policies for the basis of accounting preparation
5 - To establish whether proper accounting records have been maintained.
6 - To report on the weaknesses /observations on company’s system ie (Accounting and internal control system)
7 - Verification and test of transactions to establish the existence, ownership and valuation of assets and liabilities considered necessary regarding the
amount and disclosure in the financial statements.
8 - Establishment of reasonable evidences/assurances of material mis-statements (if any) in the account resulting from fraud /error or breach of
9 - Vouching of documents on a test and sampling basis
10 - Evaluation of the overall adequacy of information in the financial statements presented by the management.